Hedgehog Press LBB competition win - 'City Companions' art/poem hybrid micro pamphlet
In exciting news, Karen Pierce Gonzalez's and my hybrid micro pamphlet has won Hedgehog Press' Little Black Book competition. Publication due in Autumn this year. Karen and I had great fun collaborating on this 4 poem and 4 collage micro pamphlet. Titled 'City Companions' the work isn't ekphratic but companion pieces, exploring 4 City districts.
We have started receiving some wonderful testimonials, and will have a launch date very soon. Thanks to Mark at Hedgehog Press, and of course Karen, who is a very accomplished poet, as well at artist, more on her work can be found here: https://karenpiercegonzalez.blogspot.com/.
We were joint winners, on this final round of LLB with Carmella de Keyser. Congrats to Carmella @carmellapoetry.
More details soon!