Pandemic Love & Other Affinities : an icefloe press anthology is now available for preorder from Icefloe Press. I have two pieces included alongside Canadian and international contributors, 'the Anthology, edited by Moira J. Saucer, Robert Frede Kenter, Anindita Sengupta & Jakky Bankong-Obi, is an amalgam of the work chosen by our guest editors in collaboration with Moira and Robert, expressive of the nature of the evocative call & its theme: how do we conceive of ‘love’ in the midst of global pain, suffering, illness, confusion, loss; the tireless business of care in the midst of the international COVID pandemic crisis. We believe the results formulate an evocative picture of our times, a collection of depth and breadth to cherish in these complicated years and for the future.'
Delighted to be included.