Poetry Bio

Marcelle's writing explores place and inheritance.

Bridport Prize shortlisted, Best of the Net and Pushcart Prize nominated, runner-up in the Walk.Listen.Create writing competition, and winner of the Poetry in the Arcades competition, her poems have been published in online and print magazines including Propel, Ink Sweat & Tears, iamb, and Fly on the Wall Press, and in recent print anthologies by Black Bough Poetry, Maytree Press, Wild Pressed Books, Icefloe Press, and Indigo Dreams.  

Marcelle's preoccupations include the intersection between nature, the places we inhabit and self; domestication; legacy and inheritance; and the spaces between.  Her anthology work spans New Town architecture, Dylan Thomas, deep time, grief and loss, and seascapes. 

She has been a spoken word headliner for Voices on the Bridge, North Bay Poetics, and Ye Olde Murenger Poetry night; interviewed for Just Another Poet, Eat the Storms Podcast and Fevers of the Mind; and a feature poet for Iamb and Black Bough Silver branch series. 

She was managing editor of Nightingale & Sparrow literary press, a guest editor for Feral, and Black Bough, competition poetry judge for Rare Swan Press, and Cardiff Writers Circle, and was the coordinator for Gloucester Poetry Festival. Marcelle has given talks and workshops to local schools, at the Talking Place symposium, and for local groups, and has attended a Ty Newydd Masterclass, selected by Carol Ann Duffy and Gillian Clarke.

Marcelle lives in Cardiff, Wales where she practiced as an architect, and now tutors at the Welsh School of Architecture and works in community engagement. Her poem 'Arcade hopping' is on permanent display in Cardiff City Centre.

Linktree: marcellenewbold   Twitter: @marcellenewbold


100 word bio:

Marcelle's writing explores place, inheritance and domestication. Bridport Prize shortlisted, her poems have been published in online and print magazines and anthologies from Propel, Ink Sweat & Tears, Iamb, Fly on the Wall Press, Black Bough Poetry, Indigo Dreams and others.  She has previously been managing editor of Nightingale & Sparrow literary press, a guest editor for Feral, and Black Bough, competition poetry judge for Rare Swan Press, and Cardiff Writers Circle, and coordinator for Gloucester Poetry FestivalMarcelle lives in Cardiff, Wales where she practiced as an architect. @marcellenewbold


50 word bio:

Marcelle's writing explores place, inheritance and domestication. Bridport Prize shortlisted, her poems have been widely published by Propel, Ink Sweat & Tears, Black Bough Poetry, Indigo Dreams and others.   Marcelle lives in Cardiff, Wales where she practiced as an architect. @marcellenewbold



Cambrian Mountains Society poetry competition 2023 - highly commended - 'Day trip to the mountains'

Best of the Net 2023 - nominated - by Black Bough Poetry for ‘With my last exhale’, published as part of the Silver Branch Features Writer Series

Bridport Prize 2022 - shortlisted - for 'Dad was a typesetter'

Walk.Listen.Create ‘Walking Home’ writing competition, 2022 - runner-up - for 'Returning' 

Pushcart Prize 2020 - nominated -  by Black Bough Poetry for ‘Precious’, micro poem published in the the Underland themed ‘Deep Time Anthologies’

Poetry in the Arcades competition, 2020 - winner -  ‘Arcade Hopping’ poem on permanent display within Morgan Arcade in Cardiff City Centre



Managing Editor 

Nightingale & Sparrow literary press, 2021- 2024  


Guest Editor 

Black Bough Poetry,  'In flight' edition, April 2024

Cambrian Mountains Society, Poetry Competition Anthology, February 2024

Feral: a Journal of Poetry and Art,  'Hunger' Issue, June 2022



Echoes, Poetic Letters by Alan Parry, Rare Swan Press, 2022

Co-editor of Ceiling Fan by Kari Flickinger, Rare Swan Press, 2022

Pandemic Anthology, Yarnwhispering, 2020


Competition judge 

Cardiff Writers' Circle poetry competition, March 2024

Competition judge for Stories from the eyes of an owl, Rare Swan Press, 2021



Cardiff Writers' Circle, 'tips for success: poetry competition entries', February 2024

North Bay Poetics, 'prose poetry', July 2023

Rhiwbeina Primary, Year 4 poetry workshops - haibun

Talking Place: a symposium, presentation of paper on urban micro-navigation, July 2022

Cardiff Writers' Circle, 'how to get into print: being a literary citizen', workshop 2022 



Headliner /featured poet:

Voices on the Bridge, Clwb y Bont (not recorded) 

North Bay Poetics, prose poetry event (not recorded)

Ye Olde Murenger Poetry night (not recorded)



Just Another Poet Interview, youtube (video)

Eat the Storms Podcast, Season 3, Episode 3  (audio)

Fevers of the Mind ‘Quick 9’ Interview  (article)



Black Bough Poetry, Silver branch series, writer of the month  (article and audio)

Iamb, wave 8   (article and audio)

Deck the Storms Festive Poetry Party  (video)

Wales Arts Review, Cardiff City of Arcade Poets  (audio)



soundcloud: marcellenewbold