news blog

Cardiff Writers' Circle - Poetry competition adjudication

Cardiff Writers' Circle have asked me to adjudicate and host their 2024 Poetry Competition. Following a 'hint and tips' session for poetry competitions that I ran for members, closing date for entries is 12 February, with an in person prize giving 11 March. 

I'm excited to read the entries, and looking forward to a fun evening in March. This prize is possible due to the support of Literature Wales.

Year 4 poetry workshop - Rhiwbeina Primary

On Tuesday 31 January I've been invited to give a poetry workshop to each of the three Year 4 classes. They have already been learning about acrostic poetry, rhyme, personification and alliteration, this year and last - so I will need to be on the ball!  

I will be introducing and exploring the haibun form with them - an interesting joining of prose and structured poetry.

Their topic this term is 'My Rhiwbeina' - so we will be writing about a favourite place, using all the senses.