Online poem

Words for the Wild poem publication

Words for the Wild latest theme was the extraordinary Gilbert White. My poem  ‘We understand, Gilbert White and I, while in Selborne architecting’ now features on their website here. This is such a special poem to me as 20 years ago or so I used to work in Hampshire, very close to Selborne (Gilbert White’s village) and spent most of some very happy years exploring the manmade and natural environment there. I was privileged to work for the delightful Richard Ashby at his architectural practice, just outside the village.

Ink, Sweat & Tears publication

12 days of Christmas poem

I’m delighted that my poem ‘Robin’ will be included in the Ink, Sweat & Tears Twelve Days of Christmas feature, on 29th December 2021. There is an online launch 12th December hosted by ‘Live from the Butchery’. More details soon.

shortlisted Walking Home writing competition

Walk.Listen.Create has announced their 12 piece shortlist for their ‘Walking Home’ writing competition, which I’m very pleased my poem ‘Returning’ has made.

Shortlisted pieces will be showcased during Sound Walk September 2022, on 25th Sept. at a public online event in which the shortlisted authors and poets will be invited to read their work. The judges will be asked to choose their winner and runner up in both the poetry and prose categories, for which the winners will be invited to be a walk · listen · create on-line Poet- or Writer-in-residence for 2022/3.